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How to change twitter username

How to change twitter username


Category : Tutorial

Written by imaxqapp


Here is the tutorial to change twitter username

  1. Go to "Settings and privacy" from your profile icon drop-down menu.
  2. Under Account, click the text box beside Username and type a new username in the space. If the username is taken, Twitter will prompt you to make a new one. If the username is available, you'll see a green "Available!" notification.
  3. Click "Save changes" at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Go to "Settings and privacy" from your profile icon drop-down menu.
  5. Under Account, click the text box beside "Username" and type a new username in the space. If the username is taken, Twitter will prompt you to make a new one. If the username is available, you'll see a green "Available!" notification.
  6. Click "Save changes" at the bottom of the screen.